By Gyebi .N. Botwe

Waking up early in the morning,
After a goodnight full of happiness,
Just to realize today's date,
I was like, "Hey it's Christmas",
Christmas is no longer near, it's here,
What are you waiting for?
Why are you sitting down idle,
The feeling of a festive season is great,
Not only is Love shared but harmony becomes a hero,
To see children smile and grown ups hug is a wonderful feeling,
The feeling inside keeps building and it's sound is worth it,
Wake up, go to church and make someone's day a memory,
This should always be in our hearts, Peace is ceremony,
Let's pour our hearts out as we remember the birth of Christ,
Who came from a very prestigious place where words can't explain,
Built by Grace and full of Gold and Riches,
But he lowered himself humbly like a Lamb,
So he could be Glorified and seated at the right hand of the Father,
Let us bear in mind,
If Christ wasn't born, there will be no crucifixion,
And if there was no crucifixion, there will be no resurrection,
And if there was no resurrection, there will be no redemption,
Hence the cause for celebration,
So every process that Christ went through, was for the good of mankind,
Imitate Christ and let him be the hope of glory forever,
Christ is the reason for this season.

                          MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL, LOTS OF LOVE.


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